Songs | Chords

Hallelujah Chords

Ben Cantelon

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Original Key: A

Tempo: 0

Chorus: F#m D A E/G# Hallelujah, hallelujah, F#m D A E/G# You are worthy of our praise. F#m D A E/G# Hallelujah, hallelujah, F#m D A E/G# You are worthy of our praise. Verse: F#m Be high and lifted up, D Be high and lifted up, A E/G# Be high and lifted up, Jesus. F#m It's You we glorify, D It's You we're lifting high. A E/G# Your name be glorified.
Hallelujah - Youtube Lyric Video

Youtube Lyric Video


Bible References

  • - Revelation 19:1
  • - Revelation 5:12
  • - 2 Thessalonians 1:12

2007 Thankyou Music