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Sacred Space Day 1: 11 Days of Prayer and Reflection

Vineyard Worship

12th January 2022

We hold firm to the truth that the God of the universe is always at work - transforming, renewing, and reclaiming all that is His, including you.  We pray that this devotional will be a tool for God's transformative truth and power to work in your life, refining and shaping you as you enter into sacred space with the Living God. 

 Vineyard Worship


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Day 1 - You Don't Have To Lose Heart




Let us put our trust in the One who carries us

So we can let go of every disappointment

Let us cling to love, to the hope ahead of us

So we can hold on to every single promise

(Lyrics from You Don't Have To Lose Heart)


Be Still

Breathe in slowly.  What is the Lord inviting you to pay attention to at this moment?



Read the Scripture several times.  What word or phrase stands out to you?  Spend some time meditating on it.  What might the Lord be inviting you to notice or do with this word or phrase?


Deuteronomy 33:27

The eternal God is your dwelling place.

    Underneath are the everlasting arms.



Spend some time journaling your answers (or making a voice memo) to the following questions.


In what areas of your life have you lost heart?


Write or draw the image that comes to mind when you imagine God’s everlasting arms underneath you (especially in this area where you have lost heart).


What do you need from Jesus in order to trust Him in the places of disappointment in your life?