Songs | Chords

You're Worthy Of My Praise Chords

Jeremy Camp

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Original Key: G

Tempo: 0

{Chorus} G D I will give You all my worship C Am D I will give You all my praise G D You alone I long to worship Eb F G You alone are worthy of my praise {Verse 1} G I will worship (I will worship) F With all of my heart (with all of my heart) C I will praise You (I will praise You) G Am D With all of my strength (all my strength) {Verse 2} G I will seek You (I will seek You) F All of my days (all of my days) C I will follow (I will follow) G Am D All of Your ways (all Your ways) [Repeat Chorus] {Verse 3} G I will bow down (I will bow down) F And hail You as King (and hail You as King) C I will serve You (I will serve You) G Am D Give You everything (give You everything) {Verse 4} G I will lift up (I will lift up) F My eyes to Your throne (my eyes to Your throne) C I will trust You (I will trust You) G Am D Trust You alone (trust You alone) [Repeat Chorus] [Repeat Chorus] {Interlude} G [Repeat Chorus] [Repeat Chorus] {Outro} G


    Bible References

    • - Luke 4:6
    • - Exodus 25:22
    • - Psalms 138:2
    • - Psalms 5:7
    • - 2 Samuel 16:19
    • - Genesis 29:18
    • - Psalms 121:1
    • - Psalms 123:1
    • - Luke 16:11

    1991 Shade Tree Music / Universal Music - Brentwood Benson Publishing